Sindh Minister for Women Development Syeda Shehla Raza addressing the launching ceremony of ‘No Chutti Plus’ campaign launched to address the Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) challenges and for raising mass awareness at a local hotel.

APP47-240522 KARACHI: May 24 - Sindh Minister for Women Development Syeda Shehla Raza addressing the launching ceremony of ‘No Chutti Plus’ campaign launched to address the Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) challenges and for raising mass awareness at a local hotel. APP photo by M. Saeed Qureshi
APP47-240522 KARACHI: APP48-240522 KARACHI: May 24 - Sindh Minister for Women Development Syeda Shehla Raza addressing a press conference on the issue of Dua Zehra and Nimra Kazmi. APP photo by M. Saeed Qureshi
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