HomeFeaturesHarnessing youth potential for nation building

Harnessing youth potential for nation building

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By Tasawer Hussain

MULTAN, Dec 1 (APP): With approximately one third of country’s population falling in 15-29 years bracket out of total 64% below 30 years, the coming years will pose serious challenges to governments for harnessing this potential amidst fluctuating economic situation.

As the lesser education and employment opportunities make the youth easily lured by vested interests and extremists to sabotage activities. So, this bulge can only be fruitful if political parties ensure continuity of policies, cordial atmosphere to education and employment and an overall political will for a strong democracy in the country.

Statistics and findings of experts reveal that out of over 60 million young Pakistanis between 15-29 years of age, a vast majority either is illiterate or left schools and colleges prior to reaching 12th standard with a marginal number out of whom more than half still searching for jobs.

Like many other parts of the world, being young in Pakistan is also both exciting and frustrating. The space for young in Pakistani society is vast and full of possibilities if the potential in different sectors of economy is fully exploited. But there are fears as well in view of a major chunk generally being intolerant as recently seen in protests of political parties.

The youth bulge can have positive impact if economy is strong enough to absorb new entrants in the labor force. Otherwise, the idle and frustrated youth would raise the incidence of crime, violence and embrace radical political and religious views.

“Our educated youth is mostly zealous in pursuit of career building and excelling in practical life,” stated Prof. Anwaar Ahmad Khan, Former head of National Language Authority. “They become mature once in practical life and like to be productive, if groomed properly. Earning livelihood and leading a respectable life is always their foremost priority.”

“But, when they have limited resources and opportunities amidst growing poverty, they detract from their mission and engage in different unhealthy activities,” Prof. Anwar said. “Therefore, we need comprehensive strategies to harness this potential through access to education and employment.”

Before exploring the significance of youth involvement in nation-building, the challenges of formulating better strategies and policies must be addressed. For fostering their participation in fruitful activities, we must heed youth’s demand of justice and merit in all arena of life.

“Youth are often less constrained by established norms and more open to creative solutions that may lead them to innovative ideas in technology, climate change, education, healthcare and social justice,” noted Senior Lawyer Chuadhry Waqas Anjum.

“Democracy also thrives when its citizens especially youth actively engage in political process. But, this needs awareness that emanates from literacy otherwise they can be swayed by any extremist political entity or sectarian factions,” he pleaded.

“Empowering them through education, entrepreneurship and employment would help them contribute directly to nation’s economic development,” Waqas said. “By investing in their skills and fostering a congenial environment they can unlock new opportunities of growth and progress.”

After the social media onslaught in recent years, we have seen a bulk of our youth engaging in anti-social, immoral and irresponsible activities. Since, they were not properly educated and trained to use this medium for constructive activities, they not only distracted from their actual goal but also physical and healthy activities.

“Younger generation is always ambitious to exhaust their energies and this craving, previously used to lead them to sports grounds,” said Chaudhry Farooq Latif, a sports official. “But, unfortunately internet, social media and lack of opportunities detracted them from healthy activities.”

Mentioning to an old narrative that ‘Healthy body keeps mind healthy,’ Farooq suggested to engaging youth in healthy activities and referred to Punjab government’s steps like training programs, scholarships and leadership initiatives to encourage youth in pursuit of their passion for sports, personal growth, teamwork and excellence.

“Discipline must be our core value in youth upbringing besides their education and employment to properly guide their inclination and thought process,” he pleaded. “But when we fail in this, most of young souls fall victim to despair and lured by vested interests.”

Youth can be empowered to earn their livelihood and contribute to nation-building if equipped with right skills, opportunities and values. Therefore, skill based education can be a foundation to prepare a job-ready squad who is also adaptable to market demands.

“Promoting global competencies through language skills, digital literacy and cultural exchange programs enables youth to compete in international markets,” stated another educationist, Prof. Rao Babar Khalil. “Programs that instill civic values and leadership qualities encourage them to engage in social causes, volunteerism and community development, strengthening social fabric of a nation.”

“Investments in science, technology and innovation also prepare youth to compete globally and elevate their country’s reputation,” he added. “Training in digital skills would also allow them to engage with day-to-day challenges in contemporary style.”

Since, youth is our future, harnessing their potential for nation building requires active engagement with them. All our efforts must be diverted to preparing and empowering them to contribute positively within the country and win accolades internationally.

APP/thh/maz (APP Feature Service)


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