Federal Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazir Tarar chaired a meeting of the cabinet subcommittee to recommend the mechanism to engage foreign law firm of strategy for treaties with investment provisions

Federal Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazir Tarar chaired a meeting of the cabinet subcommittee to recommend the mechanism to engage foreign law firm of strategy for treaties with investment provisions
APP39-310523 ISLAMABAD: May 31 - Federal Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazir Tarar chaired a meeting of the cabinet subcommittee to recommend the mechanism to engage foreign law firm of strategy for treaties with investment provisions. APP/TZD/FHA
Federal Minister for Law and Justice Senator Azam Nazir Tarar chaired a meeting of the cabinet subcommittee to recommend the mechanism to engage foreign law firm of strategy for treaties with investment provisions
APP39-310523 ISLAMABAD: May
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