Minister Finance Gilgit-Baltistan Javad Manwa administering oath to newly elected Speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly Nazir Ahmad Advocate during the 4th sitting of 19th session of GB Assembly at Assembly Secretariat

Minister Finance Gilgit-Baltistan Javad Manwa administering oath to newly elected Speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly Nazir Ahmad Advocate during the 4th sitting of 19th session of GB Assembly at Assembly Secretariat
APP62-070623 GILGIT: June 07 - Minister Finance Gilgit-Baltistan Javad Manwa administering oath to newly elected Speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly Nazir Ahmad Advocate during the 4th sitting of 19th session of GB Assembly at Assembly Secretariat. APP/AHS/ABB/TZD
Minister Finance Gilgit-Baltistan Javad Manwa administering oath to newly elected Speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly Nazir Ahmad Advocate during the 4th sitting of 19th session of GB Assembly at Assembly Secretariat
APP62-070623 GILGIT:
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