Nearly a quarter of the world’s school-age children live in crisis-hit countries| UNICEF

Nearly a quarter of the world's school-age children live in crisis-hit countries| UNICEF

UNITED NATIONS, Apr 5 (APP): Almost one quarter of the world’s
school-age children 462 million live in countries affected by humanitarian emergencies, a new report by the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and partners has revealed.
The report, entitled ‘Education Cannot Wait Proposal’, found that
nearly one in six or 75 million children from pre-primary to upper-secondary age (3 to 18 years old) living in nations affected by crises is classed as being in desperate need of educational support. However, on average, only 2 per cent of global humanitarian appeals are dedicated to education, UNICEF said in a press release.
“Education changes lives in emergencies, Josephine Bourne, UNICEF’s
Global Chief of Education, said. “Going to school keeps children safe from abuses like trafficking and recruitment into armed groups and is a vital investment in children” futures and in the future of their communities.

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