Rain effected people using a floating wooden raft made by them at home for transportation in flooded streets after torrential rain as new heavy spell hits the city at Jinah colony Latifabad

APP20-190822 HYDERABAD: August 19 – Rain effected people using a floating wooden raft made by them at home for transportation in flooded streets after torrential rain as new heavy spell hits the city at Jinah colony Latifabad. APP Photo by Akram Ali

Rain effected people using a floating wooden raft made by them at home for transportation in flooded streets after torrential rain as new heavy spell hits the city at Jinah colony Latifabad

APP19-190822 HYDERABAD: August 19 – Rain effected people using a floating wooden raft made by them at home for transportation in flooded streets after torrential rain as new heavy spell hits the city at Jinah colony Latifabad. APP Photo by Akram Ali
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