Mr. Justice M Ali Mazhar addressing to the graduation ceremony of class -2022 of the Denning Law School as a chief guest.

APP90-270822 KARACHI: August 27 - Mr. Justice M Ali Mazhar addressing to the graduation ceremony of class -2022 of the Denning Law School as a chief guest. APP photo by M Saeed Qureshi
APP90-270822 KARACHI: APP91-270822 KARACHI: August 27 - Mr. Justice M Ali Mazhar presenting a degree to a graduate student during the graduation ceremony of class -2022 of the Denning Law School. APP photo by M Saeed Qureshi APP92-270822 KARACHI: August 27 - Mr. Justice M Ali Mazhar in a group photo with graduate students during… Continue reading Mr. Justice M Ali Mazhar addressing to the graduation ceremony of class -2022 of the Denning Law School as a chief guest.
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