Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura

Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura
APP27-060822 LAHORE: August 06 – Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura. APP photo by Amir Khan
Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura
APP27-060822 LAHORE:
Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura
APP28-060822LAHORE: August 06 – Women buying strips of cloth to be wear during Ashura in the holy month of Muharram-ul-Harm. APP photo by Amir Khan
Ironsmiths sharpen blades knives to be used by mourners in the mourn procession of Ashura
APP29-060822LAHORE: August 06 – Volunteers distributing drinks (Sabeel) in connection of the holy month of Muharram-ul Haram at Queen Mary Road. APP photo by Amir Khan
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