EUM unveils Innovation Centre

EUM unveils Innovation Centre
MULTAN, Feb 01 (APP): Emerson University Multan (EUM) announced the official launch of the Innovation Centre aiming at setting to pioneer a technological and scientific revolution, with a keen focus on nurturing the creative talents of students in Southern Punjab.
The inauguration featured an impressive showcase of projects by students enrolled in the BS Artificial Intelligence programme, with Vice-Chancellor Dr. Muhammad Ramzan as the chief guest.
He expressed his genuine excitement about these projects, witnessing the realization of his visionary dream at Emerson University.
In acknowledging the valuable contributions, the VC commended the efforts of Prof. Jasim Hussain Shah and Ms. Sana, expressing his sincere appreciation for their dedication.
He applauded their exemplary work. With the unwavering support of the university, promising more exciting projects in technology and innovation, EUM is truly evolving into a dynamic hub for groundbreaking initiatives in IT and sciences.
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