When fantasy meets reality: Hazards of online relationships

When fantasy meets reality: Hazards of online relationships

ISLAMABAD, Feb 17 (APP): Online relationships can range from mild to potentially dangerous as some users are serious about their online connections, building real-life relationships with those they have met online while others treat them as a casual form of entertainment.

Many users share personal information, real-life experiences, and even photos without fully considering the consequences. The internet is a necessary tool in modern times and it is also important for users to approach these relationships with caution for being mindful of only sharing what is necessary and appropriate for the relationship.

But at times, online relationships could prove toxic, and harassment can arise when one person becomes obsessive and controlling. The anonymity of the internet can also lead to a false sense of security for the person making the harassment as they may not think their actions will have real-life consequences.

“The dangers of online relationships are real, and they should not be underestimated,” warns Clinical Psychologist Ilsa Malik. “From catfishing to addiction, there are numerous hazards that can arise when engaging in online relationships. It is crucial for users to approach these relationships with caution and be aware of the potential consequences.”

According to Malik, catfishing is a significant concern in the world of online relationships. When someone creates a fake online identity, it can lead to emotional harm when the true identity is finally revealed. This can cause severe damage to one’s mental health and self-esteem.

Online harassment is another serious issue, particularly for women that can come in various forms, including bullying, cyberstalking, and cyberbullying. This type of harassment can have a negative impact on one’s mental health and overall well-being.

“Online relationships can also become addictive,” says Malik, leading to a neglect of real-life relationships and responsibilities. This can have negative impacts on mental health, work performance, and overall well-being.

Sharing personal information online can also be risky, as it can be used by others for malicious purposes, including identity theft, financial fraud, and even stalking, he explained.

Doxing is another threat in online relationships that can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life. It is the act of collecting and publicly sharing someone’s personal information online without their consent including name, address, phone number, and even financial information that leads to harassing, intimidating or threatening the individual, and the consequences can be severe.

“Internet relationships can start out as fun and non-serious, but they can quickly become a matter of concern,” warns mental health expert Dr Mahmood Ur Rehman, adding that it was important to approach them with caution and be aware of the potential hazards, such as online harassment, addiction, invasion of privacy, emotional harm, and “even physical harm”.

“The victim can experience threats, harassment, and even physical harm, and their personal information can be used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft or financial fraud,” says Rehman, adding that doxing can happen to anyone from celebrities to everyday people, and the motives behind it can vary.

The experts suggest setting clear boundaries for protection along with clear communication of expectations and boundaries including what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Experts also emphasize the importance of being cautious about the information shared online, setting clear boundaries with online partners, taking time to build trust before sharing personal information, and being wary of red flags.

The internet and online relationships present their own set of hazards, yet they are also a set of essential tools in the interconnected world. It demands a balance between the potential dangers and the many benefits that the internet provides.

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